Wondering what Initiation in the Catholic Church looks like?
Lucy Croft, one of our newest members, shared a bit of her journey with us…
Our 11am & 12:30pm Sunday Masses, weekday Masses, and Wednesday Reflection are live streamed. To view, visit our Media webpage or SFDS Youtube channel.
9am / 11am / 12:30pm en español
weekday mass
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday -8:30am
Confessions are by appointment.
Weekdays 9am – 5pm
Don’t miss the weekly Sunday Homily here at St. Francis de Sales.
To register for our Family Formation Program please click the button below to download the fillable PDF registration form and please email it back to Joe Long ( Director of Religious Education) at joelong@sfdsnyc.org
Faith Formation Information Please click here Faith formation calendar Please click here
Para registrarse en nuestro Programa de Formación Familiar en la Fe, haga clic aquí para descargar el formulario de registro en PDF que usted puede completar por computadora y enviarlo de vuelta al correo electrónico a Joe Long (Director de Educación Religiosa) joelong@sfdsnyc.org.
Información sobre el programa Haga clic aquí Calendario Haga clic aquí

“St. Francis became more than just a community—it felt like home.”