To register:
A message from our friend Father Julian Jagudilla, OFM, The Migrant Center of New York, Inc:
Dear Friends and Immigrant Advocates,
Peace and all good!
For the last few months we have been awaiting the Supreme Court’s ruling on whether the administration of President Trump can end the DACA program. This webinar will help us to understand the basics of what could happen and be ready with some particular organizing points to support DREAMERs who are likely to have their DACA status removed. Now is a time for action, but to be effective we have to plan and coordinate some of these next steps.
We will be assisted by two incredible church leaders in the struggle for immigrant rights:
Richard Morales is the Policy and Program Director for La Red-a project to support immigrant rights sponsored by Faith in Action and Ashley Feasley is the Director of Policy for Migration and Refugee Service of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Franciscans and Franciscan hearted people cannot be on the sideline when it is time to act with purpose and focus.
Please invite your network of friends and immigration advocates to join this important webinar.