Click here to read the Mass Readings.
Support Our Parish Community
We ask you to prayerfully consider the following ways to give if you are able—thanks to you and to those who continue to give electronically. 🌴🌴🙏🙏🙏🌴🌴
1) Online Giving: Please consider signing up for recurring online giving, which provides the lifeblood of our worship services and ministry programs. Click here for more information.
2) Easter Collection: Our annual Christmas and Easter collections help us cover the many unexpected expenses that pop up throughout the year. We thank you for your generosity. Click here to give.
3) Text-to-Give: New feature! Now you can support SFDS any time, anywhere in only a few seconds. Simply send a text to the telephone number (833) 414-0738 with the word give then follow the texted link.