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STREAMING—Liturgy of Easter Sunday with Father Tony

The Liturgy of Easter Sunday will stream live from Sacred Heart University beginning at 3pm EST.

Click here for the Mass program.


Dear sisters and brothers:

I am happy to share the link that will bring you into the Easter Mass in the Chapel of the Nativity at Sacred Heart University….Praying in this social media platform has been a new experience for me. Although I am looking forward to celebrate the liturgy once again with a full church, I have found our time together in this way to be meaningful and prayerful. We have received close to 1000 hits for almost all of the liturgies that we have posted. My guess is that many of these hits were from families or other groups living together. The thought of praying with so many people has sustained and encouraged me during this time of social distancing…As we celebrate the beautiful feast of Easter, I send my prayers, support and greetings to all of you and your families.

Happy Easter!

Fr. Tony