A Message From Father Tony:
Although this way of praying is new for most of us, God's love and the power of God's spirit knows no bounds. The same God who created the world gave us humans the gift of technology as way of expanding our relationships with one another.
Although it would be best if we were in union with one another for the liturgy on Saturday evening or Sunday morning, pray with us whenever possible.
We will be entering into the sacred time of Holy Week beginning next Sunday, Palm Sunday. We will have the Mass in this format for Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday and Easter Sunday. We will also offer a special prayer service for Good Friday. We will send out the details during the coming week.
For God there is no such thing as time. His grace is blowing in the wind. All you have to do is open up your sails.
Let us continue to support one another with our prayers!
Fr. Anthony Ciorra