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ZOOM—Social Justice Ministry Meeting

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1. Opening Prayer

2. New member welcome

3. Discussion of Catholic Social Teaching - Rohr reflection on Social Justice - Cynthia

4. Update: Thrive for Life - Kristin

5. Update: Nuclear weapons and Climate change - Jinny

6. Update Human Trafficking film - Pat and Cynthia

7. Update: Zonta sponsored Mentoring/Mentee program with Empowerment Square - Pat
Funding reallocation for an additional $500 to Empowerment Square was approved by Richard Espinal at Catholic Charities

8. Update: Homeless hygiene kits - Carrie Anne

9. Update: Anti-racism work with St Francis Xavier and St Charles Borromeo. - Mary and Cynthia

10. Update: Safety and Policing - Carrie Anne & Tino

11. New Business - Mardi Gras & LGBTQ - Straight Catholic Alliance - Mary

12. Open Discussion