The Young Adult Ministry of SFDS + Commonweal Magazine have partnered to host the monthly ‘Weal get-together in Frank’s Cafe! Come hang out with staff from Commonweal Magazine, young friends from the Weal NYC group, and SFDS parishioners. We’ll engage in informal, classroom-style conversation on a variety of monthly topics.
December’s ‘Weal Topic:
the sin of racism and the need for a prophetic and pastoral response
Following the USCCB national letter on racism, “Open Wide our Hearts: The Enduring Call to love,” Bishop Seitz issued a supplemental letter from the borderland perspective and in light of the August massacre on Mexicans and Mexican-Americans, “Night will be no more.”
Additional resources:
Confronting White Supremacy - Naming the Sin by John Gehring
Cruelty at the border - What I saw on the Bridge in El Paso by Griffin Oleynick
Borderlands and Barrios (Podcast Episode 19) - members of the Commonweal staff speak about what they witnessed during a recent visit to El Paso, Texas.
Lydia Serrano–
Milton Javier Bravo–