Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.
— Matthew 19:14

interested in religious education for your child?

We are excited to meet you and your child and look forward to growing as disciples of Jesus at St Francis de Sales!


The ABC's of religious ed.

Why Religious Education?



To learn how to nurture our relationship with the God who loves us



To form our hearts as disciple's hearts, as followers of Jesus



To educate ourselves so our faith may support the choices we make throughout our lives.


why do we have to go to church?

Our answer begins with other questions—Why do you eat dinner every day? Why do you go to school?

You do those things because they are needed to be healthy in body and mind. Well, by the same token, we come to church weekly so we can be healthy in spirit/soul too! Coming together as a parish community to pray and worship help builds us up as the body of Christ in a world that is longing for a deeper spirituality and hope. Receiving Jesus in the Eucharist helps strengthen us to face the challenges each week brings.   

And, at least here at St Francis de Sales, it's fun too! We love to greet you at the doors and chat with you on the way out. We miss you when you're not here. You're part of the family. That's a good reason to come.

We want our faith to influence our behavior. THAT'S why we bring our children to Faith Formation! That's also why as adults we look for ways to continue our faith development through on going education and prayer opportunities like Small Christian Communities.  And now you know!

